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Playing Golf� It�s All in Your Mind!
By: Randy Friedman
~ Have you ever wondered why your golf game never improves? ~
You might be surprised to learn that it�s all in your mind! Randy Friedman, an experienced LPGA and Cobra staff golf teaching professional, as well as Motivational mind power Speaker, has a unique perspective for taking your game to the next level.
After years of teaching golfers how to improve their swing or perfect their putting, she has turned her focus to hypnotherapy. According to Friedman, most golfers win or lose their game in their mind. She�s taken her perspective that �golf is 90% mental� and refocused her approach by helping golfers improve their game through the real stopping point: the mind.
Okay, so some of you skeptics are asking, �Does hypnotherapy really work?� The answer is �yes��when you truly believe you can change your way of thinking by knowing and changing your self-limiting beliefs.
Golf hypnosis is a simple and effective method that will improve your game by allowing you to deeply relax your body and elevate your mind to a higher place of consciousness. It gives you permission to make changes without changing a thing about your swing! You bypass the conscience mind (the critical factor) and enter the subconscious mind (the non-critical, computer-like) mind. It�s there that you�re able to squash those old ideas and replace them with new ones.
On a scientific level, hypnosis allows the brain waves to slow down to an alpha or deeper theta state (which is what we do when we sleep). At this level of relaxation, your subconscious mind is open and more receptive to suggestions for change.
Hypnosis will also help you deal with the fear of failing and enable you to focus more effectively at the task at hand. Do you want to improve your game? Hypnotherapy is a great way for you to understand and get in touch with your body, enjoy the game and the course, and feel the grass!
Golf courses are some of the most beautiful places in the world, yet we�re often so focused on making each shot that we forget to look, smell, and take in the world around us.
So why did a seasoned pro make the switch in her teaching techniques? She knows hypnotherapy works. In fact, some of her favorite clients to teach are children. �Children enjoy the game as a game, because they are just playing�without any fear or baggage. Their minds are cluttered with over-thinking. It�s simple for them, and they really enjoy it.�
Friedman now wants to give us seasoned pros a chance to embrace that same spirit of simplicity. Prior to her years as a golf pro, Friedman was a personal trainer and massage therapist. That means she understands the body from the inside out.
And if golf is not your game, Friedman can tackle any block you might have, from overcoming a fear of flying (how can you play at some of the best golf resorts around the world?), to becoming more successful at your job. So if you want to find a new way to take your golf game to the next level, hypnotherapy might be your answer.
Friedman offers private sessions, keynote presentations, golf retreats, and half-day workshops. The workshops average $250 per person, which includes a mind power workshop, chipping/putting interactive drills, and a powerful group hypnosis session. For upcoming workshops, check out her Web site. Visit for more information, or email
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Golf Mind Power
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Golf Grip Technique: This point is often overlooked by most amateur and weekend golfers, yet your golf grip is the steering wheel of the golf swing. It's the only point of contact our body makes with the club. There are three optional grips you can use. The overlapping, interlocking, and baseball grip. You're best to choose either the overlapping or interlocking grip. We'll leave the description of these three grips to another article, on golf grip tips if you're not familiar with these grips then take a moment to read it.
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Personal club fitting � should you get clubs to be made just for you or are "off the rack" ones OK? The answer depends on you. If you find clubs which seem to feel good and you can hit the ball well with them, then off the-shelf ones are fine. If nothing seems to work right for you, consider having your clubs personally sized and weighted at shops which specialize in tailoring clubs for the individual. But find out the details on their policy for club returns or replacement in case you have any problems.
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Clubfittings can range from free to around $100, with the midpoint more typical. If you plan to purchase your new clubs from the pro who does your fitting, ask them if they'll fit you free of charge (never hurts to ask!). And make sure that the clubfitting involves hitting balls from a fitting mat and is not simply a series of measurements.
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When buying used golf clubs you can't really tell how well the clubs will perform unless you take them out for a few swings. Even at a garage sale, you should be allowed to at least make a few swings in the front yard (take some wiffle balls with you if you are garage sale shopping). Any retail shop should allow you to demo the clubs using real balls. If they won't, ask yourself why that might be.
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