Today's Golf News
Golf Article Of The Month
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
How To Swing A Golf Club
Have you been having problems with your golf swing? Are you a beginner just starting out? Or are you a long time player who just can't seem to get it right? No matter who you are, learning
how to swing a golf club properly is imperative to playing the game well enough to really enjoy it.
For some beginners, learning how to swing a golf club is not a difficult task. Many people who have played baseball and become accomplished at it, can find it very easy to to transfer a baseball swing down to a golf swing. For others, learning how to swing a standard golf club becomes a seemingly monumental task. There seems to be so much to remember that they become overwhelmed.
Eventually, every golfer begins to understand that there are various components to the golf swing. We have the backswing, the downswing, the shot impact and finally the follow-through. Some people can piece these together very smoothly, while others struggle with each and every bit, struggling to fit them all together. And then there is the added problem of the pre-shot routine. How often have you stood around while your golf partners become human rain delays? They have so many varied ways of approaching a shot that you're sure they're trying to invoke a black magic spell on the ball! Take a look at the PGA golf professionals. Take a look at their pre-shot routines. Brief. And consistent. Once they step up to take the shot, there is very little dalliance before the ball is headed down the fairway. That is the example to follow.
One of the best things we have today to help someone learn how to swing a golf club properly is the video. We can now watch each and every golfer from our Tiger Woods of today to Jack Nicholas and Bobby Jones of yesterday to see exactly how a golf swing should be performed. We are fortunate to be in such an era where the Internet can deliver video on demand for just about every pro golfer on the PGA Tour. We can see exactly how a golf club should be swung for optimum performance.
And if you add in a few golf lessons and use the videos to piece it all together, you can improve your golf swing and your golf game amazingly fast. And if you can't afford a few golf lessons, you can always use the valuable golf books that are available to give you the gist of the golf swing and then use the videos to help you put it all together. Each and every golf pro can become like your personal tutor. One of the best golf e-books I've ever seen is one put out by Gene Littler. Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing. His swing is another one you can see on videos on the Internet- it has been termed one of the best ever by his contemporaries. Today Gene is helping people learn his golf swing by electronically publishing "Master The Golf Swing".
Whatever you decide, use the advantages of video technology along with golf lessons or golf books to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Not spending time to get the fundamental down properly will impede your progress and make the game less enjoyable. Spend a few dollars targeted to the right knowledge and watch your golf scores drop instead!
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn
how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
Tips On Golf Putting AidGolf Sounds Like a Great Idea
Too many would be golfers, particularly youngsters - head off to the local municipal course, hire a basic set of clubs and start hitting off the tee with no idea of how to hold the club, never mind striking the ball correctly. Even worse, there are those who limit practice to trying their hand in the local park - this is a dangerous and in many cases forbidden activity. The existence of the shouted warning "fore" on a course to indicate a ball in flight that may be close to other golfers is not simply for effect. A golf ball struck with force is a potentially lethal projectile and should never be used without regard for either safety or surroundings.
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Three more wins this week advances Titleist's worldwide golf ball victory count to 134, over 100 more than the nearest competitor with 29.

More Golf News
The Latest Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
Learn How To Swing A Golf Club The Right Way
Have you been having problems with your golf swing? Are you a beginner just starting out? Or are you a long time player who just can't seem to get it right? No matter who you are, learning
how to swing a golf club properly is imperative to playing the game well enough to really enjoy it.
For some people the golf swing seems to be a natural thing. Golfers who've played a lot of baseball seem to be able to transfer that swing to the golf course and are very successful. Hockey players who have practiced the slapshot for years, are also able to transfer that motion to a successful golf swing. For others, nothing seems to work. The perfect golf swing seems to be a dream that is unattainable. Which one are you?
No matter how you swing a golf club, the golf swing can be broken down into individual components. You have the backswing, the downswing, the impact of the club with the ball and the follow-through after the impact. Each and every one of these has to be done in a specific way for the shot to be successful. Many people struggle with fitting them all together smoothly. And then many people forget about the pre-shot routine, another aspect of the golf swing that is highly neglected. Take a look at all of your professional PGA golfers and you will see that they have a consistent and usually very brief pre-shot routine. Then visit your local golf course and watch the long drawn out affairs so many people engage in before they hit a golf ball. And if you watch long enough you'll actually see that most people never do the same thing twice. Unlike the golf professional, the duffer has a varied pre-shot routine both in time and method. Neglecting any aspect of your golf swing is a sure fire way to higher scores.
One of the greatest tools we have today to learn how to swing a golf club properly is the golf video. No, I'm not talking about ones you buy from a store on the DVD. You can do that if you want. But the amazing thing today is that the Internet will provide you with videos on the golf swing of just about anybody you can name today. Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh or Arnold Palmer of yesterday. Golf legends like Jack Nicklaus or Walter Hagan, golf swing specialists like Ben Hogan or Bobby Jones. All of them are available for you to to study. And most of them are available without cost.
But simply watching golf videos may not be enough. In fact, for most people there is still the need to be shown the proper way to swing a golf club. Golf lessons are an invaluable tool. Proper instructions will show you how to hold your hands in the proper grip, the proper stance and set up as well as how each and every section of the golf swing should work. Golf videos can then help you to SEE how it all goes together. And if he can't afford golf lessons, or perhaps only one or two, then instruction books can be an invaluable tool. You can read how to perform each and every part of the golf swing and then again used golf videos to see how it all goes together. An example of a great instructional e-book is Gene Littler's "Master The Golf Swing". Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing.
If you do want to improve your game and learn how to swing a golf club properly, you would do well to use the available golf videos and other available help like golf lessons or golfing eBooks. Improving your abilties in the golf swing will do a lot to not only improve your game, but you will enjoy it a whole lot more. So, you can continue to drive your shots every which way and suffer or spend your money wisely and really learn how to swing a golf club properly. The decision is up to you.
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn
how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
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There are five generally used ratings for shaft flex: Extra Stiff, Stiff, Regular, Senior and Ladies, usually denoted by the letters X, S, R, A and L ("A" is used for Senior because this flex was originally called "amateur").s. Get a driver with more loft, not less. Pay no attention at all to what the Tour players are using.
Buy yourself some new golf grips today!
To start with a proven ball position. Moving a golf ball even two inches forward or back in your stance can make a great deal of difference in shot consistency. Start with the ball a couple of inches inside the left heel. After you master this consistent ball position, you can experiment with other ball positions. However, a ball too far to the front of your stance will increase the chances of a slice by encouraging an outside-to-inside swing. A ball too far back in the stance will make it difficult to get the clubface closed by impact and may cause a push or a push slice
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Golf Training Equipment
A golf instructor can do wonders with your game, but he can't do it alone. To make golf lessons worthwhile, you must be able to follow up on them by continuing to work on the instructor's suggestions on your own time. The higher your goals, the more work will be required. Be realistic in your goals and make sure you can offer the commitment necessary to meet those goals.
Get greater distance on your drives with great Top Flite golf balls from our store.
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Labels: golf | golf clubs | golf equipment