The Golf World
Our Latest Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
How To Swing A Golf Club - Let Gene Teach You!
Just about everyone who takes up golf begins to look for information on
how to swing a golf club at some time or another. And it's perfectly understandable, since swinging a golf club is so vital to scoring well in the game of golf. Each and every person tries to find the perfect golf swing for him or her.
And for some people, learning how to swing a golf club and swinging it well becomes a very simple task. For others it becomes a very difficult task, finding it difficult to understand how you can keep your arms "straight" and still feel natural, swinging a golf club and driving the ball any distance at all. Anything sound familiar here?
The golf swing can be broken down into various sections. There is the backswing, the downswing, the impact and the follow-through. Each of these can and has been analyzed to try and find the perfect swing for each and every golfer. But then, there is also such a thing as a pre-shot routine, that's the sequence of events you go through before each and every swing. The really professional golfers do the exact same thing before each and every shot. They have their pre-shot routine down to a science and they follow it religiously. Quite often, the budding golfer or even the longtime duffer will continuously change their pre-shot routine almost daily looking for just that little extra secret or edge. Instead, they only succeed in messing up their golf swing and the whole thing starts all over again.
One of the best things we have today to help someone learn how to swing a golf club properly is the video. We can now watch each and every golfer from our Tiger Woods of today to Jack Nicholas and Bobby Jones of yesterday to see exactly how a golf swing should be performed. We are fortunate to be in such an era where the Internet can deliver video on demand for just about every pro golfer on the PGA Tour. We can see exactly how a golf club should be swung for optimum performance.
And if you add in a few golf lessons and use the videos to piece it all together, you can improve your golf swing and your golf game amazingly fast. And if you can't afford a few golf lessons, you can always use the valuable golf books that are available to give you the gist of the golf swing and then use the videos to help you put it all together. Each and every golf pro can become like your personal tutor. One of the best golf e-books I've ever seen is one put out by Gene Littler. Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing. His swing is another one you can see on videos on the Internet- it has been termed one of the best ever by his contemporaries. Today Gene is helping people learn his golf swing by electronically publishing "Master The Golf Swing".
Whatever you decide, use the advantages of video technology along with golf lessons or golf books to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Not spending time to get the fundamental down properly will impede your progress and make the game less enjoyable. Spend a few dollars targeted to the right knowledge and watch your golf scores drop instead!
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn
how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
Hints On Golf WedgesNeutral = Straight
There are two key alignments to strive for at the top of the swing that will make hitting fairways much easier. The most important of the two is the clubface position, which should be square (the leading edge basically is parallel to the left arm). Learning this position will remove the need to compensate on the downswing with the hands. Positioning the club parallel to the target line is also extremely important.
...Golf Tips magazine
Golf Wedges
Are price and quality directly related in putters? In many cases, very much so. You can spend $400 on a putter, just as you can on a driver. And you'll probably be getting a heck of a putter. But you can also spend $15 and get a heck of a putter - if that's the one the feels right, builds confidence, and helps you get the ball into the hole. Don't think that you must spend lavishly on a putter.
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Our Featured Golf Article
Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!
By Lee MacRae
Learn How To Swing A Golf Club The Right Way
Have you been having problems with your golf swing? Are you a beginner just starting out? Or are you a long time player who just can't seem to get it right? No matter who you are, learning
how to swing a golf club properly is imperative to playing the game well enough to really enjoy it.
For some people the golf swing seems to be a natural thing. Golfers who've played a lot of baseball seem to be able to transfer that swing to the golf course and are very successful. Hockey players who have practiced the slapshot for years, are also able to transfer that motion to a successful golf swing. For others, nothing seems to work. The perfect golf swing seems to be a dream that is unattainable. Which one are you?
The golf swing can be broken down into various sections. There is the backswing, the downswing, the impact and the follow-through. Each of these can and has been analyzed to try and find the perfect swing for each and every golfer. But then, there is also such a thing as a pre-shot routine, that's the sequence of events you go through before each and every swing. The really professional golfers do the exact same thing before each and every shot. They have their pre-shot routine down to a science and they follow it religiously. Quite often, the budding golfer or even the longtime duffer will continuously change their pre-shot routine almost daily looking for just that little extra secret or edge. Instead, they only succeed in messing up their golf swing and the whole thing starts all over again.
One of the greatest tools we have today to learn how to swing a golf club properly is the golf video. No, I'm not talking about ones you buy from a store on the DVD. You can do that if you want. But the amazing thing today is that the Internet will provide you with videos on the golf swing of just about anybody you can name today. Tiger Woods, Vijay Singh or Arnold Palmer of yesterday. Golf legends like Jack Nicklaus or Walter Hagan, golf swing specialists like Ben Hogan or Bobby Jones. All of them are available for you to to study. And most of them are available without cost.
But simply watching golf videos may not be enough. In fact, for most people there is still the need to be shown the proper way to swing a golf club. Golf lessons are an invaluable tool. Proper instructions will show you how to hold your hands in the proper grip, the proper stance and set up as well as how each and every section of the golf swing should work. Golf videos can then help you to SEE how it all goes together. And if he can't afford golf lessons, or perhaps only one or two, then instruction books can be an invaluable tool. You can read how to perform each and every part of the golf swing and then again used golf videos to see how it all goes together. An example of a great instructional e-book is Gene Littler's "Master The Golf Swing". Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing.
Whatever you decide, use the advantages of video technology along with golf lessons or golf books to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Not spending time to get the fundamental down properly will impede your progress and make the game less enjoyable. Spend a few dollars targeted to the right knowledge and watch your golf scores drop instead!
About the author
Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn
how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.
Tips On Golf Swing AidsSnap It For More Power
The powerful tension built up in the backswing needs to be unleashed into the ball. Before the club finishes at the top, the body must begin moving toward impact with the arms and club lagging behind (the body should drag the arms and club, not vice versa). The unwinding body should stop sharply before contact, whipping the arms and club powerfully into impact.
...Golf Tips magazine
Fat Shots
Hitting the ground before the ball, or "fat shots" is a very common problem that can lead to injury. This is caused by either coming into the ball too steeply, and/or decelerating the club head as you hit the ball. Proper weight shift is important and keeping your right shoulder back on the downswing (opposite for left handers) is crucial. There is a tendency to throw the right shoulder ahead as you come down creating an outside in steep club path. Focus on swinging more around your body to remedy this. A good drill is to strap your upper arms to your body and hit balls. This makes it impossible to throw the shoulder forward. Don't forget to accelerate through the ball. When you slow down at the bottom of your swing, you will hit it fat every time.
...Tom's golf tips
Cleveland Hibore Fairway Woods
Choosing golf clubs that fit your swing will ultimately help improve your overall golf game... Just like getting a glove that fits your hand, buying golf clubs that fit your overall physique will help on those miss hits that we all get to often.
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Posture Not Perfect. Unless you�re young or unusually flexible, you�re not going to look like Tiger Woods at address. Stay relaxed rather than forcing your back straight.
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Today's Golf News
The Golf Fitness Academy Presented by Titleist Gets You Started in the Gym, Tonight on The Golf Channel
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Featured Golf Article
Instantly slash your golf score by creating perfect impact!
How A Golf Swing Training Aid Can Help Your Swing
By: Trent
Every golfer wants to improve their golf swing. Training aid information is overwhelming and sometimes unreliable. How can you cut through all the BS and find out how legitimate a golf training aid for your swing really is?
Up until now�you would go on what you see on the television; what your golfing buddies recommend; or maybe even your local teaching pro. But how do you know if a particular training aid will really help your game? Do you spend hundreds of dollars a year on the next golf gadget, or do you do some homework to find out how effective it would be?
Specific To Your Swing Fault
One thing you need to take into consideration is your specific swing fault. By knowing your swing fault, you can eliminate certain golf swing aids that will obviously not help. For example, if you are a slicer of the golf ball, you wouldn�t get a training aid that addresses hooking the ball. This is an obvious comparison, but one that you should take into consideration when choosing a golf training aid.
Price Range Is A Factor
Golf training aids can range from under $20 to over $200. The variance is huge! Everyone has a budget, and it all comes down to what you are willing to spend �in hopes� of a better swing. If you can talk to someone who has had success with a particular product, then you are one step ahead of anyone going in cold and spending a lot of money.
Needs To Mimic Your Golf Swing
So many training aids for golf are not even close to what you actually do in your swing from a mechanical standpoint. I have seen countless golf swing aids that ingrain bad muscle memory and actually make your swing worse. When researching a golf swing training aid, take a look at the general motion of what they want you to do with it. If is makes sense to you, then give it a trial run. If it is far and away different than your golf swing, move on.
You Don�t Need The Latest � Greatest
It is so easy to see some new training aid gadget being advertised on the television and fall for the great salesmanship in the commercial. Don�t fall victim to this hypnotic sales pitch. There are training aids that have stood the test of time, and are still effective in helping you improve your golf swing.
Golf Swing Improvement
The end result is a better, more consistent swing. It doesn�t matter if you spend only $20, did it help you? Some of the most expensive aids have not helped a huge amount of people. I can say this because I receive emails everyday from golfers how have spent hundreds and still have not improved. The bottom line is to stay focused on your needs and get a golf swing training aid that will address those needs and solve your problem.
About The Author: Mike Pedersen is one of the top golf performance experts in the country. He is Golf Magazines golf performance expert author; as well as
Tips About Golf Clubs Clone
Driving Irons Golf
The lower body should serve to support the movement of the upper body by leading the backswing. Flexed and relaxed, the legs are able to be moved by the rotation of the upper body, in no way inhibiting the turn. While the legs don�t initiate the backswing, they contribute to the wind up of the body against the ground. A good thought is to imagine the legs as braces that connect you to the ground.
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To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
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