Our Featured Golf Article
You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your
golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Tips To Improve Your Golf Game
by Lee MacRae
Read along as we offer up some great tips to improve your game of golf.
During set up, start with your front foot in line with the ball, to give it more loft. In addition, shift your front hip slightly higher than your rear hip, and shift your front shoulder slightly lower than your rear shoulder. When you go for your backswing, you should shift your weight backward. This will give your swing more power.
Warm up and stretch your muscles before you tee off. If you have ever been to a live pro golf event you will notice that the golfers don't just arrive at the course and immediately head to the tee box. Instead they go to the driving range, stretch for awhile and then hit some balls. It is a fact that when your muscles are warmed up they perform better and in turn positively influence your golf swing. So try to arrive at the golf course a few minutes early to loosen up and take a few swings.
Don't try and hit the ball hard. Simply hitting the ball as hard as you can results in a tense and inefficient physical swing. You can end up achieving the opposite of what you wanted and land the ball way short. A relaxed swing and a relaxed attitude will achieve more accuracy and generally more distance.
If you implement these tips and work on them, you will be certain to develop a better drive within a short period of time. Just keep on practicing and working on your improvement. It's only a matter of time before your scores begin to drop.
About the author
Lee MacRae runs several online stores where you can find a great
golf swing aid or a great
putter today!
Thoughts On GolfGolf Training Aids
How does a player cultivate the proper length of backswing? We are all individuals and our muscle coordination is not the same,therefore it would be foolish to try to force the club to a parallel position at the top of the backswing. Trying to take the clubhead to parallel will not only shorten your distance it will wreck your accuracy as well. So returning to the earlier premise:The club should not go back any further than you can turn your shoulders.
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Golf Accessories
Be sure to check the location of the ball with clubs aligned on the ground. Step away to check that you are positioning the ball properly. Ask someone to double-check your positioning. It is hard, without alignment tape or clubs, to visually gauge the proper placement of the ball.
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Golf Putters
Every golfer knows that if you are playing a shot into the wind, you must hit more club. If you're playing a shot with the wind, you must hit less club. Even professionals have a difficult time playing in the wind. The average score in a tournament is always higher when it is windy.
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Golfers among you are going to look at that headline and say 'What kind of Golf technique is that, you can only have fourteen clubs. You'll be penalised!" Absolutely right, you can only have fourteen clubs in your bag. The fifteenth club, the most important one, is the one between your ears! As Hercule Poirot would have said 'the little grey cells', your most important club is your brain, and how you use your brain is a key factor in how well you play. Mental attitude is all important. Making changes to your mental approach can improve your game and cut your score far more dramatically than you might imagine.
Being A Member At A Golf Course Has Its Advantages And BenefitsMon, 10 Mar 2008 14:29:20 -0500
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How to Get in Golf Shape - Part 6Mon, 03 Mar 2008 14:20:00 -0600
We have covered quite a bit in this series, but we still have a few different parts of the golf swing to cover. Getting in golf shape requires some dedication and you will need to do some of these exercises every day for about five days a week. This part will cover the initial downswing.
Hit it Straight, Hit it Long, Do it Every Time in Your Golf Swing, Free Lesson For Power &TrajectoryWed, 05 Mar 2008 10:25:55 -0600
I hear it all the time, " Paul, I just can't hit it very far" or " I hit every club the same distance" or " I wish I knew where the damn thing is going" or " I am confused about where the power comes from, the girls hit further than I do" Any of this sound familiar? Let's have a look at how you can gain power and hit it straight as you can point. It just is not that hard to learn. So come on get it right.
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How to Get in Golf Shape - Part 4Mon, 03 Mar 2008 14:18:51 -0600
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Benefits of a Custom Fit Golf ClubThu, 06 Mar 2008 11:54:28 -0600
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Some Warm Up Tips for Golfers
By: Lee Collins
When it's time to warm up, some golfers think they need to hit the driving range with everything they've got. In truth, warming up to make your game as effective as it can be means that you work on a variety of swings and become familiar with the conditions.
For example, you golf differently on a windy day than if the air is still. You probably play at least a bit different on days when the temperature is raging than when it's cool. Here are some
golf tips from those who hit the courses on a regular basis.
Driving is a good way to start, but start slowly. Choose a short iron for your first few drives, giving your muscles a chance to loosen up and to get the feel for the day. Work up to longer drives, but remember that the goal isn't only to see how far the ball will go - control is more important than distance and this is your chance to gather your skills to exercise that control.
Don't just drive. Some people make the mistake of thinking they've completed an adequate warm up once they've managed to make a few successful drives. Take time for some chipping and putting as well. Make the most of your swing and any recent lessons you've had. Remember that a round of golf is much more than teeing off.
One of the most important warm up tips is to get your mood and emotions under control. Smacking your frustrations out on a golf ball probably isn't going to help your game at all - though it might arguably be good for your frustrations. Take time to gather your calm, focus on your game and let the day's troubles fall away. Your mood - especially if it's a bad mood - can greatly impact your game.
Another mistake many people make at the warm up session is to start practicing. This isn't the time to try out new clubs, new swings, or new information. This is a time to play your best game, just as you'll be doing shortly - at the first tee. It's okay to put in a few practice swings if you're working on something you want to put into play for this game, but don't get caught up in a practice session. One of the purposes of a warm up time is to build your confidence. You can't do that if you're continually making errors. Use the techniques you're most familiar with and be ready to congratulate yourself on all your successes during the warm up.
If you are doubtful about the need for a good warm up period, just think back to a recent game of golf that you didn't warm up for. How was your first tee? How was the fourth? Did you spend the rest of the game making up for some poor strokes early on? The warm up is a chance to make those mistakes before they're being engraved on a score card.
Take time to make yourself confident and you'll play a confident game.
Lee Collins is an avid golf enthusiast who has improved his golf game tremendously in a very short time using the "How to Break 90 in 3 Easy Lessons" system available only at www.easygolfinstruction.com.
Let's Talk About GolfWomens Golf Clubs
To a beginning golfer hitting a golf ball seems easy until they try it. Golf can be a sometimes frustrating, and time-consuming game to learn. My recommendation is that players practice patience by not hurrying to the golf course to learn how to play. Do your learning on the practice range where your mind will not be on scoring, but on learning.
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golf equipment
Golf Clubs Clone
Thanks to the popularity of golf, there are many golf gadgets available today. As more people want to play the game, more ways are sought to improve their game. The once steady golf industry has now expanded to a much larger industry. Some companies are built around only one piece of golf equipment. Golf gadgets available range from some incredibly useful golf aids to some slightly more ridiculous items. Here are some of the options.
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Golf Putters
You swing the club by feel, and you learn feel through good motion. Keeping your eye on your shadow will teach you the feel of your upper body staying in position - neither moving to the right or left- nor up or down.
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Indoor Putting Greens
The shove type: The word shove is misleading. An actual shove is illegal. It's only a feel. What gives this shove feel is the stroke is made with a very short backswing and a long followthrough. The advantage of this type of stroke is the shorter the backswing, the less chance of error.
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Golf Training Aids Really Do HelpTue, 04 Mar 2008 13:01:23 -0600
Golf training aids have been known to make significant improvements to not only a professionals' game, but to the average player's game, also. You can find a training device for just about any part of your game. If used correctly, you'll see noticeable improvement in a short amount of time.
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A lot of golfers figure if their mechanics are on the money they'll putt like a champ. Yes that's true to some degree. But if your head isn't kept still as you can during your putt, and hand setup isn't done properly as well-it can alter your putter club head alignment.
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Our Featured Golf Article
You will find a lot of easy tips and techniques in this eBook to quickly transform your
golf game and add 20 yards to your drive!
Which Golf Clubs Are Best For You?
By: Lee MacRae
With a larger variety of
golf clubs coming onto the scene every week, it can become more and more difficult to determine just exactly what you should be looking for when buying new clubs.
Follow along as we discuss each type and what may be best for you.
First, are you between five and six feet tall? Then standard clubs will most likely work for you. That principle holds for both sexes. There are enough standard clubs on the market that you should be able to find ones to suit the rest of your needs in a golf club.
If you are outside the heights for standard clubs, then you may want to look at getting custom clubs made just for you.
Cast or Forged Golf Club?
Generally, you will find that cast iron clubs are the way to go.
Why do we say that? Because of the bigger "sweet spot" we tend to find on clubs made with cast iron. That term refers to the area in the middle of the face of the club head where the ball should be struck for maximum distance and accuracy. The bigger the sweet spot, the better chance of hitting well it every time. Being a little off center will not affect your shot to any great degree. It is for that main reason the beginners are steered towards cast iron clubs. Their swing is not as consistant as a seasoned golfer or a pro and so they have an easier time driving the ball well with a larger sweet spot at their disposal. That is why clubs like "Big Bertha" came on the market. The large oversized head obviously gives a much larger sweet spot than a normal driver. Average golfers get longer and straighter drives on a more consistant basis.
By contrast, forged iron golf clubs are "harder to hit" a good shot with as they have a smaller sweet spot.
Why, you ask, are forged iron clubs even made then?
For a very simple reason. Cast iron is a softer metal that offers a better "feel" on a shot. The better players, on the other hand, will give up that larger sweet spot [and even some distance] to get that better feel of each and every shot they take. With a more consistant swing, they usually strike the ball dead center on most shots anyway. With the better feel of the forged iron club, they can draw, fade, hook or slice the ball deliberately when circumstances on the golf course require it.
The shaft of the club is your next thing to look at. Specifically the material it will be made from. Basically, you have steel or composite shafts
The significant measure here is golf club velocity. A typical, everyday golfer will possess a club velocity of 80 to 94 mph. Slower speeds generally imply you should look to using a shaft made from composite material. With a slower swing speed comes less distance on your drives. Less distance means more shots needed to reach the putting green. Not a good thing if you want to lower your score. And that is where the composite golf club shaft enters the picture. It gives you a lot more distance than you would get with your normal swing and a steel shaft.
By contrast, those with good distances on their shots, will fare much better by using a steel shaft that will give them some touch and control on their shots.
You can find out your own swing speed by looking for a golf store that has a velocity speed gun or a radar gun package. It won't cost you much and you will know very quickly which type of shaft is best for you. You can even find some battery operated doppler radar devices on the market that you can set up and use to determine your club velocity by yourself.
With simply these few starting hints, it is ordinarily best if you rent a few different sets of clubs as you play and take note of how each club helps or impedes your game. You are searching to learn your personal strengths as well as weaknesses. Use as many clubs as you can beg, borrow, steal or rent. The more you use, the more you will learn about your own game.
Work on these tips and make sure you tee off with a positive mindset. The more you practice and implement what you learn, the more confidence you will gain in your ability to hit it straight and long. And watch your scores begin to plummet!
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More Thoughts On GolfWomens Golf Clubs
To a beginning golfer hitting a golf ball seems easy until they try it. Golf can be a sometimes frustrating, and time-consuming game to learn. My recommendation is that players practice patience by not hurrying to the golf course to learn how to play. Do your learning on the practice range where your mind will not be on scoring, but on learning.
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golf equipment
Beginners Golf Training Aids
Now, putting pads and various practice aids have been around for a very long time. You can choose from kits ranging from a simple pad and a cup or those offering such tools as ball return. Regardless of your selection, you can get that extra advantage of some practice time right in your living room or office.
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Golf Putters
The trajectory of a golf ball and the distance it travels depends on its initial trajectory, speed and spin, as well as what it's moving through (air). The air is not always the same. It varies in temperature, pressure, humidity and density. If there were no air whatsoever, the golf ball would not travel far. Likewise, if a ball is hit in air with no spin, it will not travel far.
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Headline News About GolfOff course: how the US fell out of love with golfFri, 22 Feb 2008 00:00:01 +0000
<p>This time last year, Jimmy Cayne was one of the most respected men on Wall Street, grand fromage at the historic investment bank Bear Stearns and one of that old generation of genteel capitalists most comfortable forging their business relationships and their deals around the bridge table, in the clubhouse or over an 18-hole course. Golf destroyed him.</p>
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