Friday, November 14, 2008

Golf Related News

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How To Become A Successful Golfer

By: Jimmy Cox

This is how the key parts of the body, and not forgetting the club head, need to respond in the correctly shaped downswing, smoothly and unhurriedly applied:

The head has remained in its original position throughout.

It has not "gone" and must not be allowed to "go" with the lateral shift of the lower part of the body.

The shoulders have squared up parallel to the intended line of flight, the left shoulder, remember, still up.

The right elbow has quietly slipped into its groove close to the body, "inside" the left elbow (as it had it at address). The right arm has still not entirely straightened at the elbow and no strain should be felt in this limb.

The stomach as it should have been throughout the backswing and downswing is still retracted, and this control of the stomach has been the more easily retained if you have stayed down to the ball on flexed knees.

The left arm still extended is in line with the shaft which means that the hands are slightly ahead of the ball with the back of the left hand and the palm of the right square to the line of flight.

The left knee has commenced to straighten, not stiffen. (Nothing is stiff in golf.) I prefer to describe it as a "firming up" of the left leg. The outside of the left knee, consequent on the lateral weight-shift, will ideally have gone a fraction beyond a vertical line drawn up from the outside of the left foot.

The right heel has left the ground and such weight as remains on the foot is along the inside of the sole.

The left foot has now taken the major part of the weight which is concentrated on the outside of this foot, again as a result of the lateral shift which has taken place.


The club head has, without any manipulation this way or that, been returned SQUARE to the back of the ball from the inside and is about to be driven through along the line of flight under the build-up of power.

All this has taken place without the body being thrown off balance. In fact you should be solidly balanced with a sense of firmness running right up the left side from the foot to the shoulder.

Now to clear up one controversial point: the popular conception that the downswing starts with the return movement of the left hip while the hands remain passive.

I cannot accept this. I insist that the hands much remain active at all times. Many outstanding players probably feel that the left hip dominates the start of the downswing, and I fancy that this is because they have been playing from early boyhood and hand-action to them has become second nature.

My point is that this passive hands theory can destroy the smoothness of the whole movement because the moment they become active again is likely to result in a sudden quickening of the tempo. You must sense the club head through the hands ALL the time.

What I urge you to concentrate on above all else in the downswing is:

(a) the driving down from a slow measured start with the hands and left arm across the body,
(b) the club under full control behind the hands and
(c) the lateral shift of the lower part of the body.

With a little practice, you downswing will become a strong part of your golfing technique.

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Tips On Golf Swing Aids

To start with a proven ball position. Moving a golf ball even two inches forward or back in your stance can make a great deal of difference in shot consistency. Start with the ball a couple of inches inside the left heel. After you master this consistent ball position, you can experiment with other ball positions. However, a ball too far to the front of your stance will increase the chances of a slice by encouraging an outside-to-inside swing. A ball too far back in the stance will make it difficult to get the clubface closed by impact and may cause a push or a push slice.
...Golf Help

Discount Golf Equipment

Tip when buying used golf clubs: On metal woods, alloy heads are more susceptible to the effects of play and aging than steel heads. This is because most alloy heads contain the softer aluminum. Also, when buying used, stick to better known brand names. Lesser known names aren't necessarily worse clubs when used, but the craftsmanship that goes into, for example, Titleist, should carry over to used clubs, as well.
Improve your golf swing with a great golf swing trainer!

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Wed, 02 Apr 2008 00:00:00 GMT
Season Premier Features “Power” Episode with Guest Mike Boyle

Ochoa shoots 73 in hometown tournament

Thu, 13 Nov 2008 08:30:00 EST
GUADALAJARA, Mexico (AP) Lorena Ochoa struggled Thursday in the first round in her own Lorena Ochoa Invitational, shooting a 1-over 73 on her home course to drop five strokes behind Annika Sorenstam and the other leaders.

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The Golfing World

Golf Article Of The Month

Check out Jean Littler's golf book for yourself and learn how to swing a golf club the right way!

By Lee MacRae

Learn How To Swing A Golf Club

Learning how to swing a golf club properly is the Holy Grail for any golfer. Beginners usually start out by having someone show them how to do it. But even longtime golfers are often watching their friends or asking others for tips on how they do it. Then try to apply what they see or hear. In a nutshell, everyone is looking for the perfect way to swing a golf club.

Of course, even that last sentence makes it all sound very easy. And for some people it is. Some people have a natural affinity to swinging a golf club. For others, it almost becomes an annual quest for the next 30 years as they strive to improve their golf swing and their golf game. Recognize yourself in either case?

The golf swing can be broken down into various sections. There is the backswing, the downswing, the impact and the follow-through. Each of these can and has been analyzed to try and find the perfect swing for each and every golfer. But then, there is also such a thing as a pre-shot routine, that's the sequence of events you go through before each and every swing. The really professional golfers do the exact same thing before each and every shot. They have their pre-shot routine down to a science and they follow it religiously. Quite often, the budding golfer or even the longtime duffer will continuously change their pre-shot routine almost daily looking for just that little extra secret or edge. Instead, they only succeed in messing up their golf swing and the whole thing starts all over again.

Of course, for some people it still becomes very difficult to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Fortunately for us today we have videos. We have videos of modern-day golfers like Tiger Woods or Ernie Els and we have video images of Jack Nicholas, Arnold Palmer, Ben Hogan and Bobby Jones. We can actually sit and watch exactly how they swing a golf club and try to emulate it.

But simply watching golf videos may not be enough. In fact, for most people there is still the need to be shown the proper way to swing a golf club. Golf lessons are an invaluable tool. Proper instructions will show you how to hold your hands in the proper grip, the proper stance and set up as well as how each and every section of the golf swing should work. Golf videos can then help you to SEE how it all goes together. And if he can't afford golf lessons, or perhaps only one or two, then instruction books can be an invaluable tool. You can read how to perform each and every part of the golf swing and then again used golf videos to see how it all goes together. An example of a great instructional e-book is Gene Littler's "Master The Golf Swing". Littler won 29 PGA Tour events and had an incredibly beautiful swing.

Whatever you decide, use the advantages of video technology along with golf lessons or golf books to learn how to swing a golf club properly. Not spending time to get the fundamental down properly will impede your progress and make the game less enjoyable. Spend a few dollars targeted to the right knowledge and watch your golf scores drop instead!

About the author

Don't hesitate to buy your copy of Gene Littler's eBook How To Master The Golf Swing and learn how to swing a golf club the right way! In this book Gene reveals the golf swing secrets that led to his PGA tour success.

Tips On Golf Equipment

To learn how variations of the grip affect ball flight. Experiment with slight variations of your grip. Observe how the changes affect the flight of the ball. A weak grip encourages a slice or fade. A strong grip encourages a hook or a draw. The V.s formed by the index finger and thumbs on both hands should point between the chin and right shoulder.
...PGA of America

Prime Movers
Notice how my upper left arm and chest are connected. It's this connection that initiates the backswing and encourages the club to be moved by the pivot of the body and not the hands and arms moving independently. In addition to the left arm and chest, movement of the shoulders and back should also contribute to the finish of a powerfully coiled backswing. Don't ever begin your backswing by lifting your arms or rolling your wrists by themselves.
...Golf Tips magazine

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Continuing a Tradition of Success

Fri, 30 Jun 2006 00:00:00 GMT
Titleist Pro Titanium 905 drivers are being played with overwhelming success by competitive players worldwide.

golf equipment


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