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Golf Swing Weight - Best Choices For Swing Training Aid
By Staffan Moritz
Golfers are constantly looking to improve the golf swing. There are a number of golf swing training and teaching aids that can help with improving your golf swing. One golf swing teaching aid that has gained popularity is the golf swing weight. This golf swing training equipment is inexpensive, easy to use, and can be used at home or when you are away from the golf course.
I recommend using a pitching wedge when practising with a golf swing weight, but you can also use it on any golf iron. Once you have the golf swing weight on your club, you simply swing as normal. You can practice with this piece of golf training equipment on the driving range, or right before a round of golf.
One main reason you should practise with a golf swing weight is to improve your flexibility. Flexibility really is the key to a successful and effective golf swing. You will also be increasing power to your golf swing, and overall strength. Since you are using the weight during your normal golf swing, you are working your golf muscles. Lack of golf strength is one of the most common problems that golfers have, but it is one of the easiest areas to improve.
Another benefit of the golf swing weight is that it makes the club head of your golf club heavier, you will be able to easily track the path of your club head during your golf swing. This can help you improve your golf swing plane, allowing you to work on having a square club face at impact. You will be able to strike the ball more solidly with the improved feel that the golf swing weight will give you.
If you are truly looking for a way to quickly and easily improve your golf swing and golf game, try shopping online for a golf swing weight. With the golf swing weight, it will be simple to practice at your home without wasting time traveling to the driving range.
Staffan Moritz is a respected golf expert from Sweden, author and founder of a cutting-edge golf newsletter.
For more golf tips, tricks and information on golf swing weight training aids, get your free e-course at:
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To develop the best possible grip for you. Every golfer swings and grips the club differently. Over 90 percent of golfers use the Vardon or overlapping grip. Players with smaller hands sometimes find the interlocking grip, with the little finger of the right hand interlocked with the index finger of the left hand, works best for them. Players with smaller should use a baseball type grip.
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